10 Things to Never Say on a First Date

Avoid these huge no-no's and land yourself a second date.


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Just Don't - First dates are crazy enough without saying the wrong thing. Here are some key things you should never utter when you're spending time with a potential bae. By Kenrya Rankin(Photo: Squaredpixels/Getty Images)

Photo By Photo: Squaredpixels/Getty Images


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'Why Are You Single?' - Not only will your date have no idea how to answer that question, but he'll be offended that you're insinuating something is wrong with him.(Photo: Eric Raptosh Photography/Getty Images)


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'Who Are You Texting?' - Word? That's soooooo not your business.(Photo: Jennifer Byron/Getty Images)


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'I'm So Broke.' - Even if it's true, now is not the time to share.(Photo: Ciaran Griffin/Getty Images) 


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'You Would Make a Great Daddy.' - This is the fastest way to convince dude that you want to move way too quickly.(Photo: KidStock/Getty Images) 


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'My Ex...' - Any sentence that starts that way is one you should keep out of your mouth. Forever.(Photo: Peopleimages/Getty Images)


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'How Many People Have You Slept With?' - This isn't even a question for your third date.(Photo: John Rensten/Getty Images) 


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'I Don't Like Kids.' - If he already has little ones — or wants them one day — you just shot yourself in the foot.(Photo: Roberto Westbrook/Getty Images) 


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'Wow, How Much Are You Going to Eat?' - Way to shame your date!(Photo: Johner Images/Getty Images)


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'Yeah, I Googled You.' - Of course you did. But you sound like a creep if you admit it.(Photo: TommL/Getty Images) 


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'I Don't Usually Date...' - Whether you were about to say "short men," "nurses" or "ugly people," you will only succeed in making your date uncomfortable.(Photo: Matthew Antonino/Getty Images)