Health Rewind: Black, Latino Men Still Behind in Health Coverage

Also, Facebook is messing with your emotions.

Slow Your Roll - Americans, for and against the legalization of marijuana, for the large part agree on one thing: The federal government should not enforce anti-marijuana laws in states that have legalized weed. In a new Gallup poll published Dec. 10, 64 percent of Americans who support legalization and 40 percent who don't oppose federal intervention at the state level. (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
What Is Bone Marrow Disease? - Bone marrow is the soft tissue found in some bones, including your hip and thigh bones. It contains stems cells, which can develop into the red blood cells that carry oxygen through your body, the white blood cells that fight infections and the platelets that help with blood clotting, the National Institute of Health writes. Bone marrow disease is the result of problems with the stem cells or how they develop and can be onset by your genetic makeup or environmental factors. (Photo: Ed Reschke/Getty Images)
Supreme Court Rules That Family-Owned Businesses Don’t Have to Cover Birth Control - In a narrow 5-4 decision, the United States Supreme Court Ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, stating that, because of religious beliefs, family-owned businesses do not have to cover birth control in their health care plans. This decision opens up the door for 81 other companies to deny women coverage for family planning contraception, says Mother Jones.  (Photo: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)910_04_UK010-004-03401_H

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Can A New Bone Marrow Transplant Technique Cure Sickle Cell? - A new bone marrow transplant may help cure sickle cell disease, says a new study. This experimental procedure, which mixes stem cells from a sibling and a parent, reversed the disease in 26 out of 30 patients. Also, afterwards patients can skip taking meds aimed at helping them not reject the bone marrow, which means no toxic side effects. (Photo: Ed Reschke/Getty Images)