10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Attending an HBCU

The experience is undeniable, education incomparable.


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The Deciding Factor - With a challenging curriculum, student body from all walks of life and the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of notable women such as Oprah Winfrey, Toni Morrison, Taraji P. Henson and Anika Noni Rose, it’s obvious attending an HBCU will help prepare you for future success. If the long lineage of powerful women isn’t convincing enough, then read on to discover additional reasons why you should consider attending a historically Black college or university. By Dontaira Terrell   (Photo: yellowdog/Image Source/Corbis)

Get to Know Your Professors - Don’t be the student whose face blends into the crowd. Take an initiative to know your professors, go to office hours and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Getting to know them can translate into a mentorship, letters of recommendation and career advice. (Photo: Peathegee Inc/Getty Images)

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Top-Notch Education - Campuses are filled with accomplished professors who are willing to go the extra mile by making sure students exceed personally, professionally and academically. (Photo: Peathegee Inc/Getty Images)

Study With Others - Why study alone? Linking up with other people in your classes can be a great way for everyone to share their knowledge and debate the topics at hand. (Photo: Kevin Dodge/Corbis)

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Girls for Life - One of the most rewarding benefits of attending an HBCU is not just the education, but also the people you meet and the lifelong friendships you’ll create. You have to admit that’s an incredible blessing when friends become family. (Photo: Kevin Dodge/Corbis)


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Sense of Community - The nurturing environment plays a vital role in the personal growth, development and academic achievement simultaneously cultivating a deep-rooted connection to the African-American experience. (Photo: Peathegee Inc/GettyImages)

Hosts With the Most - Twenty institutions of higher education across the nation hosted the fellowship program. They included Ivy League schools like Yale and Dartmouth; top state universities such as University of California Berkley and University of Texas at Austin; and prestigious HBCUs, including Howard University and Clark Atlanta University. They also will participate in internships at some of the nation's leading companies and organizations.   (Photo: The Washington Times /Landov)

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Family Affair - Continuing the legacy of previous generations in choosing to attend a historically Black college or university is one of traditional value.  (Photo: The Washington Times /Landov)

Cater to You - The smaller class size caters to your individualized needs, provides more intimate interaction and the comfort level to become more involved.  (Photo: Tami Chappell/Reuters)

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Cater to You - The smaller class size caters to your individualized needs, provides more intimate interaction and the comfort level to become more involved. (Photo: Tami Chappell/Reuters)

Once in a Lifetime  - From homecoming and Greek step shows to convocations and stimulating panel discussions, there’s no denying that the social scene is truly an unmatched experience like none other.  (Photo: Michael Williamson/The Washington Post/Getty Images)

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Once in a Lifetime - From homecoming and Greek step shows to convocations and stimulating panel discussions, there’s no denying that the social scene is truly an unmatched experience like none other.  (Photo: Michael Williamson/The Washington Post/Getty Images)

Become a Better You - Rich in history and full of culture, it’s safe to say you’ll graduate with more than a degree, but a wealth of knowledge and the ability to gravitate in various settings. Most important, you’ll leave with a better understanding and appreciativeness of those who came before and paved the way.  (Photo: Facebook/ Howard university)

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Become a Better You - Rich in history and full of culture, it’s safe to say you’ll graduate with more than a degree, but a wealth of knowledge and the ability to gravitate in various settings. Most important, you’ll leave with a better understanding and appreciativeness of those who came before and paved the way.  (Photo: Facebook/ Howard university)

Pay It Forward - Your time will be well spent in the company of both men and women alike, who will inspire you to reach greater heights and encourage you to serve as a role model or mentor throughout your collegiate career. (Photo: Chris Schmidt/Getty Images)

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Pay It Forward - Your time will be well spent in the company of both men and women alike, who will inspire you to reach greater heights and encourage you to serve as a role model or mentor throughout your collegiate career. (Photo: Chris Schmidt/Getty Images)


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Sense of Pride - The experience is undeniable, the education is incomparable and the people are irreplaceable. There’s no denying; alumni beam with glee, boast with immense pride and embody great admiration for their beloved HBCU.  (Photo: Jason Reed/Reuters/Landov)