Back to School: How to Have the Healthiest Year Ever

A few simple steps can make a huge difference all year long.


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No Freshman 15 Here

Get Your Om On - No joke: College is stressful. Getting good grades, which sorority to pledge, dating and finding a way to pay for everything can take a serious toll on you. One healthy way to deal with it all is meditation, an ancient practice that focuses on the mind-body connection. Just 15 minutes a day can make a huge impact on your health and your grades.(Photo: Peathegee Inc/Blend Images/Corbis)

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Get Your Om On

Get Your ZZZs - Let’s try to make all-nighters rare and not the norm this school year. Sleep is incredibly important for your mental health, stress levels, weight and overall health. So try on most days of the week to get seven to eight hours of sleep. Thank me later.   (Photo: Glow Images/Getty Images)

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Get Your ZZZs

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help - While college can be an amazing time, it can also be incredibly scary. The pressure can cause anxiety and stress, especially when we feel that we are not living up to what it expected of us or doing as well as we could. Do not let anyone, yourself included, stop you from getting the help that you need to keep your grades up — whether it’s getting a tutor, finding a study group or getting the mental health services you need.   (Photo: 237/Sam Edwards/Ocean/Corbis)

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Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help