Gone Too Soon: Musicians Who Died Young

In remembrance of Shawty Lo, a tribute to late legends.

Gone Too Soon - Sometimes the good do die young, as they say. Hip-hop lost one of its greats on September 21, 2016, when Shawty Lo passed away. Lo is the latest in a long, tragic timeline of music greats who left us too soon. In remembrance of unexpected tragedy, BET.com pays tribute to amazing recording artists who checked out early but left behind an incredible future and, at times, an amazing musical legacy. — Jon Reyes and BET Staff

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Gone Too Soon - Sometimes the good do die young, as they say. Hip-hop lost one of its greats on September 21, 2016, when Shawty Lo passed away. Lo is the latest in a long, tragic timeline of music greats who left us too soon. In remembrance of unexpected tragedy, BET.com pays tribute to amazing recording artists who checked out early but left behind an incredible future and, at times, an amazing musical legacy. — Jon Reyes and BET Staff