10 Things We Learned From Chris Brown's Interview With The Breakfast Club

Breezy sets the record straight on The-Dream and Drake.

Breezy Keeps It Real With Charlamagne, Envy and Yee  - Chris Brown checked in with The Breakfast Club once again and was candid in his latest interview as he discussed Drake, Rihanna, Jay Z, Pharrell and his new album, Fan of a Fan with Tyga. Read on now.–– Michael Harris (@IceBlueVa)(Photo: The Breakfast Club/Power 105.1)
The Untold Story - Breezy revealed that he's filming a documentary on his tour life. “Everything plays in its position, like being held back on the tour... not being able to go out there… Losing like $2-3 million in production and ticket sales, having to cut the show in half because of all the setbacks. But it shows the beauty, the rose through the cracked cement.”(Photo: Imeh Akpanudosen/Getty Images for H&M)
Chris Loves the Kids - Chris was really disappointed he couldn't speak directly to the youth for his community service. “I’ve been through certain experiences to give them that insight on how to not take that certain path… but I think they wanted it to be more of a labor thing. It’s more of punishment to me than to actually help the community, which is actually backwards, but they make the rules.” (Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images)Ducking the Fade - Drake just might be ducking the fade as Chris revealed that he and Aubrey still don’t see eye to eye, and limited his convo on the MC. “That dude don’t make me no checks. I don’t get no money by talking about him. I didn’t make no record with him. He was in the studio. He was just a fan. He’s not a friend. I’m cool."(Photo: Chelsea Lauren/Getty Images)

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Breezy Keeps It Real With Charlamagne, Envy and Yee  - Chris Brown checked in with The Breakfast Club once again and was candid in his latest interview as he discussed Drake, Rihanna, Jay Z, Pharrell and his new album, Fan of a Fan with Tyga. Read on now.–– Michael Harris (@IceBlueVa)(Photo: The Breakfast Club/Power 105.1)