Elite finds out the truth about her paternity. Was it what she was hoping? See photos from the season finale now.
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Down & Out - Neffe's not feeling too well. The morning sickness has taken her out.
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Elite - Elite finds out the results of the paternity test. She and Neffe do not have the same father.
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Vick - Vick tries to console Elite and claim her as family, but she ain't havin' it.
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Heartache - Elite is happy that the results prove Neffe and Vick are family, but she's also disappointed.
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Regrets - Although Neffe knows that Vick is definitely her father, she's not happy to find out the truth about Elite.
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Frankie - Frankie wasn't on hand for the revealing of test results. She already knew the truth.
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Final Assessment - The life coach meets with Frankie and Neffe one last time.
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Neffe - The life coach tells Neffe to use her pregnancy to motivate her towards change.
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Frankie, the author? - Frankie talks about writing a book about her life.
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Real Talk - The life coach reminds the ladies to appreciate one another. She shares that her mother died years earlier from breast cancer.