John W. Thompson's Corner Office Quotes
John W. Thompson's corner office quotes.
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John W. Thompson's Quotable Moments - John W. Thompson's professional impact has earned him The BET Honors Award for Technology and Business.
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Words That Work - If you're serious about success, when a business titan speaks, you'll listen. Here are some of the most notable John W. Thompson quotes that may help take you from where you are to where you want to be in the business world.
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Elements of Success - “The academic training is essential to success in a competitive workplace, but being actively involved in your profession is just as important as having a true passion for it.”(Photo: David Paul Morris/Getty Images)
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Innovate or Die - “You cannot stop spending to innovate around the theme of what problems you’re trying to solve for customers.”(Photo: UPS via Jesse Collin Entertainment)
Photo By Photo: UPS via Jesse Collin Entertainment
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The Heartbeat of All Organizations - “Nothing happens in an organization until someone sells it.”(Photo: Microsoft)
Photo By Photo: Microsoft