Take a Leap! Ten Things to Try in 2016
Let this be the year of adventure and risk-taking.
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Let This Year Be One of Self-Discovery! - You don’t have to be superwoman to have a year of doing exciting things. Make your top resolution in 2016 to stop being such a fuddy-duddy. Discover new things, get out in the real world and take life by its horns by trying a few of our suggestions. By Kellee Terrell (Photo: Monkey Business Images/Corbis)
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Plan an Exciting Trip - If you have a passport with no stamps on it, let this be the year to fix that. Yes, traveling can be expensive, but if you have the money, treat yourself to a new and exotic place you’ve never been to like Cuba, Brazil or Africa. Go with bae, your mom or yourself — just make it happen! (Photo: Raf Willems/Corbis)
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Do Something That Scares the Hell Out of You - Whether it’s skydiving, doing a stand-up skit in front of an audience or submitting your short story to The New Yorker, whatever it is, let this be the year that you get over your fears and go for it. Who knows, this one thing could open doors to other opportunities or spark new interests. (Photo: Hector Mandel/Getty Images)
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Ask a Man Out on a Date - Yes, the risk of rejection is real and the thought of being forward may make your head hurt, but stop sitting in the corner waiting to be chosen and get out there and do the choosing! If you see a cute guy and are interested, don’t play coy. Approach him, get a feel and, if it’s right, go for the win. You never know, he just might say “yes.” (Photo: Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)
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Take a Cooking Class - Now this isn’t to please some man. You need to be able to cook a great meal to appease your own taste buds with something like blue cheese crusted steak filets. Don’t think you have time for a cooking class? Try a cooking delivery service such as Plated, Blue Apron or the Purple Carrot (vegan) to bring the cooking class (and the nutritious food) home to you. (Photo: Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)