Beyond Gay and Straight: Ten Things to Know About Bisexuality

Keke Palmer encouraged us to open our minds.

Bisexual Doesn't Equal Promiscuous - There is a myth that because someone is bisexual they must be having twice as much sex as someone who is strictly gay or straight. This stereotype is incorrect and harmful.  Bisexuality only applies to sexual identity, not sexual appetite.  (Photo: Paloma Marticorena/ Getty Images)
No More Lies - There is a tremendous pressure to “lie” if you are bisexual. In fact, only 23% of self-identified bisexuals tell others, saying it’s easier to let the people assume that if they are with an opposite-sex partner they are straight and if they are with a same sex partner they are gay. This unfairly perpetuates the false belief that bisexuality is nothing more than a phase and prevents both community-building and society's understanding of bisexuality.  (Photo: Masterfile/ Corbis Images)
Bisexuality Is Not Just for Women  - Being bi is not a "girl" thing. Just as some women are attracted to men, women or both, so too are some men attracted to women, men or both sexes. Furthermore, the mainstream media is culpable in creating the myth that all women are latently bisexual, which is nothing more than a male fantasy. It is both degrading to women and those who truly identify as bisexual.   (Photo: Patrik Giardino/Corbis)
The STD Myth - There is a myth that bisexual people, especially bisexual men, spread STDs more than other groups. While this claim has no foundation in truth, the fact that as many as 15% of our population deem bisexuality a illegitimate sexual orientation leads to bigotry and LGBT-phobia.   (Photo: Liba Taylor/Corbis)Love Is Love - Keke has it right. It is no one's job to define, and act upon, your sexual identity besides you. Love is love, be it straight, gay, bisexual or something else. We have to work to support each others’ love to ensure that everyone can lead a happy and healthy life.  (Photo: JGI/Jamie Grill)

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No More Lies - There is a tremendous pressure to “lie” if you are bisexual. In fact, only 23% of self-identified bisexuals tell others, saying it’s easier to let the people assume that if they are with an opposite-sex partner they are straight and if they are with a same sex partner they are gay. This unfairly perpetuates the false belief that bisexuality is nothing more than a phase and prevents both community-building and society's understanding of bisexuality. (Photo: Masterfile/ Corbis Images)