I Have a Dream: How Obama Inspires African-Americans to Aim High

President Obama helps African-Americans dream big.

Anything Is Possible  - In a happy coincidence, President Obama's inauguration is the same day America celebrates the Martin Luther King holiday. On the National Day of Service, BET.com asked African-Americans from all over the nation how the success that Obama has achieved, which for many is the embodiment of King's dream, has inspired them to think and dream bigger. Here's what they had to say. – Joyce Jones(Photo: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

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Anything Is Possible - In a happy coincidence, President Obama's inauguration is the same day America celebrates the Martin Luther King holiday. On the National Day of Service, BET.com asked African-Americans from all over the nation how the success that Obama has achieved, which for many is the embodiment of King's dream, has inspired them to think and dream bigger. Here's what they had to say. – Joyce Jones(Photo: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

Tyrone Gayle, 25, Jacksonville, Florida - "He's come from a lot of struggles and trials and he sets an example for not only young men, but everyone. He's going to have a lot of challenges ahead but when the going gets tough he's the first one to sign up and that sets an example for someone like myself."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

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Tyrone Gayle, 25, Jacksonville, Florida - "He's come from a lot of struggles and trials and he sets an example for not only young men, but everyone. He's going to have a lot of challenges ahead but when the going gets tough he's the first one to sign up and that sets an example for someone like myself."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

Latrece Gouch, 20, Detroit - "I feel as though his term as president has been a true inspiration to all young African-Americans to not only dream bigger but also to get involved and do what you can, small steps from just voting, going out to work on his campaign, getting involved in understanding more about what the issues are in our country and communities. His administration has been an encouragement to young Black men and women to dream bigger and know that anything is possible and that it starts with small steps."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

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Latrece Gouch, 20, Detroit - "I feel as though his term as president has been a true inspiration to all young African-Americans to not only dream bigger but also to get involved and do what you can, small steps from just voting, going out to work on his campaign, getting involved in understanding more about what the issues are in our country and communities. His administration has been an encouragement to young Black men and women to dream bigger and know that anything is possible and that it starts with small steps."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

Lewana Kidane, 14, San Francisco - "He came all the way from the bottom and now is at the top and it's all because of hard work. People think that because they're poor they can't do that and that really inspires me."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

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Lewana Kidane, 14, San Francisco - "He came all the way from the bottom and now is at the top and it's all because of hard work. People think that because they're poor they can't do that and that really inspires me."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

Sammy Keleta, 15, Oakland, California - "He came from welfare when he was younger, went to Harvard. If he can become president coming where he came from, that means nothing is impossible. If he can do it, I can do it. As long as you work hard."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

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Sammy Keleta, 15, Oakland, California - "He came from welfare when he was younger, went to Harvard. If he can become president coming where he came from, that means nothing is impossible. If he can do it, I can do it. As long as you work hard."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

Nia, Glen, Camille, Julian and Nico Brown, Atlanta - "We particularly wanted our sons to see that despite what the world has said about African-American males, all things are possible. Referring to Obama's first campaign slogan of Yes, We Can, it's exciting to us that yes, we can see the reality of Dr. King's dream come to pass. Obama is the reality that we are making strides and progressing and we wanted our children to experience this momentous occasion."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

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Nia, Glen, Camille, Julian and Nico Brown, Atlanta - "We particularly wanted our sons to see that despite what the world has said about African-American males, all things are possible. Referring to Obama's first campaign slogan of Yes, We Can, it's exciting to us that yes, we can see the reality of Dr. King's dream come to pass. Obama is the reality that we are making strides and progressing and we wanted our children to experience this momentous occasion."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

Cherice McGlone, 20, Virginia Beach, Virginia - "I think his presidency has encouraged not only myself but my younger cousins and god-siblings to think and dream bigger because there's a person who looks like them in the White House, which basically means they can do anything. He rules the free world almost and they've never seen that. Seeing Michelle Obama and the president makes me think maybe I can do something that great."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

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Cherice McGlone, 20, Virginia Beach, Virginia - "I think his presidency has encouraged not only myself but my younger cousins and god-siblings to think and dream bigger because there's a person who looks like them in the White House, which basically means they can do anything. He rules the free world almost and they've never seen that. Seeing Michelle Obama and the president makes me think maybe I can do something that great."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

Al Moore, 34, Hyattsville, Maryland - "The obvious connection is that Dr. King was a civil rights leader and in many ways President Obama is the manifestation of the ideals and dreams of that movement. But for me personally, [Obama's re-election is] a signal that the dreams and the passions that you have in your heart should be guided by your belief and the inspiration inside of you that says you can do those things and you can make an impact in spite of what the world around you may indicate."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

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Al Moore, 34, Hyattsville, Maryland - "The obvious connection is that Dr. King was a civil rights leader and in many ways President Obama is the manifestation of the ideals and dreams of that movement. But for me personally, [Obama's re-election is] a signal that the dreams and the passions that you have in your heart should be guided by your belief and the inspiration inside of you that says you can do those things and you can make an impact in spite of what the world around you may indicate."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

Clarke Davis, 18, Atlanta  - "I think Obama's presidency is amazing because it shows how much is possible these days. It gives a lot of people hope that there are opportunities out there for them."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)

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Clarke Davis, 18, Atlanta - "I think Obama's presidency is amazing because it shows how much is possible these days. It gives a lot of people hope that there are opportunities out there for them."(Photo: Joyce Jones/BET.com)