Africa's Economic Powerhouses
The future is bright for these African countries.
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Ethiopia - Ethiopia registered an average of 10 percent economic growth during the past two years. The country's gains have been fueled by hydroelectric power and large-scale government investment in agriculture, industrialization and infrastructure. (Photo: REUTERS/Andrew Heavens)
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Mozambique - Economic growth in Mozambique is expected to hit eight percent this year, making strides in agriculture and coal and aluminum exports. (Photo: REUTERS/Grant Neuenburg)
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Tanzania - Oil and gas exploration in Tanzania is booming and along with telecommunications, the sector is expected to help boost the country's economy at a growth rate of seven percent in 2013.(Photo: REUTERS/Emmanuel Kwitema EK/TM/WS)
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Democratic Republic of Congo - The International Monetary Fund projected growth of eight percent in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2013, based on the country's lucrative cobalt and copper exports. (Photo: DRCONGO-MINING/ REUTERS/Jonny Hogg)
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Ghana - Ghana's economy is expected to grow nearly eight percent in 2013, fueled by the country's oil, gold and cocoa production industries.(Photo: REUTERS/Yaw Bibini)