The Benefits of Being Single in the Summer

Flirting, brunching and shopping...what's not to love?


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Catching Your Favorite Flicks and Concerts - No matter what your relationship status is, summer is a great time for both single gals and their coupled-up counterparts. But because it might seem like the grass is greener on the other side, we’ve rounded up a few of the perks of being single in the summertime. By Patrice Peck A significant other can conveniently make for a guaranteed plus one at your favorite outdoor concert or that blockbuster film. However, these fun events can also be great opportunities to strengthen your relationships and create lasting memories with good friends and family members. (Photo: Cultura/DUEL/Getty Images)

Listen Up - It’s OK to just sit back and listen as opposed to wanting to get your point across right then and there, especially if someone else is speaking. Paying attention and listening without interruption is a sign of mutual respect.  (Photo: JGI/Getty Images)

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Brunch, Brunch, Brunch! - Arguably everyone’s favorite meal of the week, brunch can be the perfect time to catch up with friends, especially if you’re feeling lonely or bummed about a recent breakup. The delicious food combined with a great deal of laughter and camaraderie will feed your soul and boost your spirits in no time.  (Photo: JGI/Getty Images)

Shopping ’Til You Drop - Many fashionistas see warm weather as a great time for revamping their current wardrobe. When you’re single, your precious shopping time is yours and yours alone.  (Photo: Yellow Dog Productions/Getty Images)

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Shopping ’Til You Drop - Many fashionistas see warm weather as a great time for revamping their current wardrobe. When you’re single, your precious shopping time is yours and yours alone.  (Photo: Yellow Dog Productions/Getty Images)


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Avoiding Awkward Family BBQs - We love a good barbecue as much as the next gal. But between the family drama, screaming children and scorching hot weather, sometimes those annual get-togethers thrown by a significant other’s family are more trouble than they’re worth.(Photo: Art Vandalay/Getty Images)

Photo By Art Vandalay/Getty Images


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Showing Your Flirtatious Side - Whether you’ve spotted a hottie at the beach or you're chatting up your crush at a party, practically anytime is a great time for shameless flirting as a single lady. (Photo: Sam Edwards/Getty Images)

Slash Your Stress - Trying to get pregnant can be very stressful, but the more stressed you are, the harder it becomes to have a baby. So meditate, go for long walks to clear your mind or go for a run.  (Photo: Hero Images/Getty Images)

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More Space to Chill - Small spaces can feel even smaller when temperatures begin to rise. While we’re all for spooning in bed and coupling as roomies, nothing beats sprawling out solo with the air condition on high and a frozen treat on deck.(Photo: Hero Images/Getty Images)

Not Sweating the Small Stuff - Stable emotional and mental health is such an important part of maintaining overall good health. This year, I am not going to internalize negativity around me: Demanding people, unsupportive “friends,” unnecessary drama and stupidity on social media sites. Instead, I am going to channel that energy into my writing, films, activism and weight loss plan. (Photo: Image Source/Getty Images)

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Getting to Know Yourself Better - As uncomfortable as it might be initially, spending time with yourself will ultimately help you become a stronger, more confident person. And if you’re in the market for love, then those newly developed traits will attract a great partner at the right time.  (Photo: Image Source/Getty Images)