Dos and Don’ts of Freshman Year

Make it the best first year of undergrad with these tips.

New Rules - Headed off to college? Congrats! You are embarking on a life changing journey, full of new friends, crazy dorm rules and more pizza than any human should actually eat. Make the very best of your first year of undergrad with these tips. You’re welcome. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel   (Photo: 13/

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New Rules - Headed off to college? Congrats! You are embarking on a life changing journey, full of new friends, crazy dorm rules and more pizza than any human should actually eat. Make the very best of your first year of undergrad with these tips. You’re welcome. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel (Photo: 13/

DO Be Friendly - Sure, you’re probably missing your bestie, but giving other chicks the side eye will only guarantee that you end up friendless for the next four years. Be open to new relationships, from your roommate, to the other women on your floor, to the girl sitting beside you in chemistry. You never know who might be your next best friend.   (Photo: Zero Creatives/cultura/Corbis)

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DO Be Friendly - Sure, you’re probably missing your bestie, but giving other chicks the side eye will only guarantee that you end up friendless for the next four years. Be open to new relationships, from your roommate, to the other women on your floor, to the girl sitting beside you in chemistry. You never know who might be your next best friend. (Photo: Zero Creatives/cultura/Corbis)

There's an App for That - When school is in session, there’s a lot going on — especially for college students. It can get overwhelming sometimes balancing the day to day with all your papers, homework, finances and not to mention a social life. Use these apps to help stay on track and make things just a bit easier! By Jazmine A. Ortiz  (Photo: Hero Images/Corbis)

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DON’T Call Your Parents Every Day - You’ll miss them, but the more time you spend in your room talking to them, the less time you have for joining clubs, hanging out on the Yard and generally immersing yourself in your new world. The same goes for your high school boyfriend, if you held on to that joker. (Photo: Hero Images/Corbis)

DO Find a Mentor - Whether it’s a professor you admire, your assigned counselor or the student activities advisor, connect with a mentor who has been where you are and can help you navigate college and set yourself up for the years following graduation.   (Photo: Tim Pannell/Corbis)

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DO Find a Mentor - Whether it’s a professor you admire, your assigned counselor or the student activities advisor, connect with a mentor who has been where you are and can help you navigate college and set yourself up for the years following graduation. (Photo: Tim Pannell/Corbis)

Does He Make You Better? - While accepting you for who you are is key to being in a relationship, he should make you want to be a better person, too. More present, more on top of your credit, more attentive, more loving, more inspiring. If yes, then you found a keeper.(Photo: Patrik Giardino/Corbis)

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DON’T Pick Bae Right Away - Take some time to scope the talent before you tie yourself to someone. Choose too soon and you could end up hurting his feelings or worse yet, hurting your own. (Photo: Sonja Pacho/Corbis)

DO Go to Class - All of your classes will include attendance as part of your participation grade. Don't jack up your grade for something as simple as not showing up.   (Photo: Hill Street Studios/Blend Images/Corbis)

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DO Go to Class - All of your classes will include attendance as part of your participation grade. Don't jack up your grade for something as simple as not showing up. (Photo: Hill Street Studios/Blend Images/Corbis)

Photo By Photo: Hill Street Studios/Blend Images/Corbis

DON’T Buy Your Books at the Bookstore - Unless your books are covered by scholarship, you can probably save money by purchasing your textbooks online. Better yet, rent them and keep even more of your money in your account.   (Photo: JGI/Daniel Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)

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DON’T Buy Your Books at the Bookstore - Unless your books are covered by scholarship, you can probably save money by purchasing your textbooks online. Better yet, rent them and keep even more of your money in your account. (Photo: JGI/Daniel Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)

DO Avoid the Credit Card Sign-Up Tables - No matter how many free T-shirts they are offering, do not sign up for a credit card on campus. You don’t need it and your future self would much rather you didn't sabotage her credit score before graduation.   (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

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DO Avoid the Credit Card Sign-Up Tables - No matter how many free T-shirts they are offering, do not sign up for a credit card on campus. You don’t need it and your future self would much rather you didn't sabotage her credit score before graduation. (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

DON’T Think You’re Immune to the Freshman 15 - It sounds like the stuff of movies, but real talk, eating starchy cafeteria food and snacking during all-nighters will pack pounds onto your frame. Be mindful about what you put into your mouth and try to get regular exercise, even if it just means taking the stairs in your dorm or skipping the shuttle to campus.   (Photo: JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)

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DON’T Think You’re Immune to the Freshman 15 - It sounds like the stuff of movies, but real talk, eating starchy cafeteria food and snacking during all-nighters will pack pounds onto your frame. Be mindful about what you put into your mouth and try to get regular exercise, even if it just means taking the stairs in your dorm or skipping the shuttle to campus. (Photo: JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)