Fashion Police! What Not to Wear
Celebrity Fashion Police
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Kelis - Yes, your milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Message received, Kelis, loud and in lace.
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Toni Braxton - Memo to Toni: If you're going to be a cougar, don't dress like one.
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Amber Rose - Did she buy this getup at Lady Gaga’s garage sale?
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Jennifer Hudson - Moooooo! If clothes could talk, that's what Jennifer Hudson’s would be saying.
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Tyson Beckford - We're assuming his house burned down and this was all he had left from his extensive wardrobe.
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Star Jones - We call this look, "Laundry Day.”
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Serena Williams - Serena's getup falls into the "if you can't say anything nice" category.
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Sean Paul - Sean Paul gives the lie to the "Mohawks-are-always-cool” rule.
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Sandra "Pepa" Denton - Pep, there's no shame in going up a size. Nobody will know but you.
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Selita Ebanks - You are not a woolly mammoth. Please adjust your wardrobe accordingly.