Girl Code: Tips on Being a Better Best Friend

Follow these rules, and you’ll have a sister for life.


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Friends Forever - Men may come and go, but your bestie is forever. So it’s important to do everything you can to be an amazing friend to her. Follow these tips, and you’ll have a sister for life. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel


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Show Up - Whether she needs you to come pick her up in the middle of the night because she discovered her boyfriend is crazy, or wants you by her side to celebrate her birthday, do what you can to be there for her, even when she doesn’t ask — because that’s when she needs you the most. (Photo: Peathegee Inc/Getty Images)


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Be Honest — Especially When It’s Hard - If she can’t count on you to be honest, who can she trust? If she asks for your opinion on her current relationship or she tanked a job interview and you have some insight as to why, be straight with her. Don’t be brutal, but tell the truth. She might not appreciate it in the moment, but she’ll know that you have her best interests at heart. (Photo: JGI/Tom Grill/GettyImages)


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Don’t Be a Vampire - Successful relationships require give and take. If you suck up all her energy, goodwill and light without reflecting it back to her, she’ll eventually get tired of giving you life. (Photo: Dieter Spears/GettyImages)


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Schedule Dates - You might chat every day, but five-minute gripe sessions about your bosses don’t constitute a real talk. It can be a marathon phone convo, brunch after church, or a movie night, but make time to check in regularly to see how she’s doing. This is especially important if she lives in another city. (Photo: Peathegee Inc/GettyImages)

Kerry Washington in Scandal - We're commemorating Women's History Month (March 1-31) by paying homage to some of the strongest, most complex, bada** icons portrayed in films and television.  As Olivia Pope on Scandal, Kerry Washington plays the person most speed-dialed by D.C.'s power players when they're in trouble. The crisis fixer is calm under pressure and the most competent person in the Beltway — except when it comes to her personal life. Pope's relationship with President Grant is her Achille's Heel.  (Photo: ABC)

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Don’t Be a Fixer - You see how that’s working out for Olivia Pope (#NotSoMuch). It’s not your job to fix her problems. It’s your job to listen to them. Let her vent her frustrations, and if she asks how she should handle them, help guide her toward a solution, don’t tell her what to do. You won’t feel burdened by her issues, and she won’t blame you if things go wrong. (Photo: ABC/Danny Feld) 


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Celebrate! - Everyone needs a cheerleader — be genuinely happy when things are going well for her, and sing her praises on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, too. (You know you love it when people post about you.) On the flip side, help her move forward when things aren’t so fabulous. (Photo: Andrew Bret Wallis/GettyImages)


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Accept and Encourage - Let her know that you love her exactly the way she is, right now. At the same time, encourage her to follow the dreams that will help her grow into the person who she wants to be, whether that means pushing her to finally write that book or take steps to become a party planner. (Photo: GettyImages)

Photo By Photo: Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Shopping Spree - Who doesn't love to spend a little without feeling guilty? Take your special someone out on a day full of shopping and let them know money is no object (for this particular occasion that is). (Photo: moodboard/Getty Images)

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Make Small Gestures - You know that warm and cozy feeling you get when someone does something nice for you out of the blue? Share it! If you see a pair of pajamas you know your BFF would love, buy them. If you know she’s having a tough week, drop off dinner so she doesn’t have to cook tonight. It’s an easy way to tell her you appreciate her friendship.

Photo By Photo: moodboard/Getty Images


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Keep Up - Staying abreast of what’s going on in her life shows her you care. Is she in the middle of buying a home? Check in throughout the week to see how the process is going. Is her auntie sick? Ask how she’s feeling. (Photo: Klaus Vedfelt/GettyImages)

Photo By Photo: Klaus Vedfelt/GettyImages