#IfIDieInPoliceCustody Twitter Hashtag Shows Sad Reality
Trend born in the wake of Sandra Bland's death.
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@toyatherose - In wake of the recent death of Sandra Bland, many have begun to put themselves in her shoes, wondering what they would want the world to believe if they were to die in police custody.This user wants it all caught on tape with the hope for justice.(Photo: Toya Morris via Twitter)
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@drjotengii - It seems that humanity is not as inclusive as it should be.(Photo: Joseph Oteng via Twitter)
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@Add_Whoa_Uh - The "Angry Black Woman" excuse is no longer valid.(Photo: Adwoa Asante via Twitter)
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@deray - Question everything.(Photo: Deray McKesson via Twitter)
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@RevrendDoctor - Just so they know...(Photo: Clark Kent via Twitter)