Mother Faces Up To 20 Years In Prison After Torturing Her 14-Year-Old Daughter and Allowing Her Fatal Brain Infection To Go Untreated

Amina Krouser was severely malnourished and kept in a house with no heat or running water while her health deteriorated.

A Milwaukee mom faces charges of neglect after denying her 14-year-old daughter medical attention for a brain infection which took her life. 

Aziyza Ababneh is facing a charge of neglecting a child causing death and be sentenced up to 20 years in prison if found guilty, reported WISN-TV.
Amina Krouser, 14, and her siblings were kept in terrible living conditions in the time leading up to her unfortunate death, according to a criminal complaint.
Investigators say Aziyza Ababneh denied doctors the ability to perform emergency surgery to clear up an infection on Amina’s brain, despite her suffering seizures and incontinence. When doctors told Ababneh that her daughter may die without the surgery, she allegedly responded, “I’ve already lost her."

Amina died on Dec. 10, just a week after her mother denied her the life-saving surgery.
Amina’s unnamed siblings allegedly told investigators she was urinating the bed and experiencing trouble walking and talking in the days just before her death, according to the charging document.
Ababneh was also accused of  beating the girl with belts, a paddle and a PVC pipe with duct tape wrapped on one end in frustration with her deteriorating health.
When investigators went to the families home, they said the home was "very cold, very dirty and smelled of cat urine and human feces."
The home reportedly had no running water and a "compost toilet," which police described as a five-gallon plastic bucket where the children used the restroom.
The children allegedly told investigators they ate mostly baby food, or they used a hot plate or votive candles to warm up noodles or rice.
Doctors said the teen suffered from untreated Lemierre's Syndrome and her death has officially been labeled a homicide.
The teen's father told WISN-TV he hasn't seen the children in 10 years, but that his ex-wife is a military veteran who could have gotten medical care for the children.

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