Are Chris Brown and Rihanna Flirting on Twitter?

The former couple may be sending each other love notes on the internet.

Guess you can never say never. After a highly-publicized split in 2009 and an interview in which Rihanna basically said she would no-way, no-how ever get back with her ex Chris Brown, could the former couple possibly be considering a reconciliation?
E! Online found some circumstantial evidence in a series of tweets Breezy and Ri posted, seemingly directed toward each other:
"Love U more than u know!" began Brown.

Two minutes later, Ri-Ri responded with, "I'll always love you #1love."
Earlier this month, Brown's mother tweeted, "HELLO LADY I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU!!!!!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!"


And Rihanna tweeted shortly after, "Miss+Love u 2"
Not exactly a smoking gun, but enough to raise some eyebrows. is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.

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