Game in Hot Water Over Tweet That Jammed Sheriff’s Phones
The L.A. Sheriff's Department is seeing red over a tweet from Game. According to the L.A. Times, the Compton rapper sent a tweet containing the phone number for the sheriff's Compton station, leading to a flurry of calls that authorities say jammed their emergency phone system for hours and delayed emergency service.
The "telephone flash mob" began yesterday around 5:20 p.m. after a heated, expletive-laden exchange between Game and another Twitter user. During the back-and-forth, the rapper posted a tweet encouraging his 580,000 followers to call the other user if they wanted an "internship" with him, and then posted the number for the sheriff station. According to Sheriff's Capt. Mike Parker, this led to hundreds of phone calls pouring in that jammed their phone system for two hours. "This was beyond irresponsible," Parker said. "The deputies' ability to answer the phones and dispatch personnel to help these people in danger was significantly impeded."
Parker said that the department is investigating the incident and compiling a criminal complaint that they plan to send to the Los Angeles County district attorney for criminal filing. "Each phone call made does open the possibility for an additional charge," he said.
Game defended himself on his Twitter page early this morning, saying the offending tweet was sent unintentionally. "Y'all can track a tweet down but cant solve murders," the MC wrote. "Dat was an accident but maybe now yall can actually do yall job! P.S. who killed Biggie & Pac?"