Juicing Recipes
Eight juicing recipes to mix up your daily meals.
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Juicing Recipes - Juicing can be a great way to squeeze needed nutrients into our diets. Fruits are usually easy to add into meals via smoothies, but did you know that you can take your daily veggies the same way? Below are eight recipes to mix up your daily meals and make sure you're giving your body the variety it needs to keep chugging away. — Dorkys Ramos (Photo: Getty Images/STOCK)
Photo By Photo: Getty Images/STOCK
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Strawberry Fields Forever - Adding an apple or carrots to your juicing recipes is an easy way to naturally sweeten up veggie add-ins while increasing the vitamins and minerals in your diet. Blend two apples, two whole carrots and eight strawberries for a sweet and healthy concoction. (fernsnutrition.com) (Photos from left: Getty/STOCK, Paula Bronstein /Getty Images)
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Pineapple Green Juice - Try to introduce more green drinks into your system. Leafy ones like kale and spinach are great alkaline producers and keeps your body's pH levels balanced. For a refreshing drink that packs a punch, mix 1/4 large pineapple (cut into pieces first) with six kale leaves, 2 cups of spinach, 1/2 cucumber, 4 celery stalks and a 1-inch piece of ginger. (blog.williams-sonoma.com) (Photo: Charlotte Observer/MCT /Landov)
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Post Workout Refueler - Get a post-workout protein boost by blending oranges, almonds, sweet potato and an apple together. The protein in the almonds will help you bulk up and repair muscle. (health.com) (Photo: Courtesy of Wikicommons)
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Red Eye Breakfast - This recipe will make a great breakfast for those following a raw foods diet: one beet, a cup of red cabbage, two carrots, 1/2 sweet red pepper, a peeled orange, one apple and an inch of ginger. Blend and drink up. (raw-foods-diet-center.com) (Photo: Chicago Tribune/MCT /Landov)