Tasha Smith's Ex-Husband's Response to Annulment Will Surprise You

He was ruled a fraud in divorce court just days ago.

Earlier this week the marriage between For Better or Worse star Tasha Smith and her ex-husband Keith Douglas officially ended after a judge granted Smith an annulment on grounds that Douglas was a fraud, living a double life, having multiple children he never told Smith about, and even embezzlement and abuse.  
While it seemed that this messy situation, which began over a year ago when Smith sought a restraining order against Douglas, might be coming to an end, it appears that Douglas is not ready to accept the blame just yet.
Yesterday, Douglas released as a stream of accusatory tweets directed at his former wife, as well as an open letter defending his innocence.  While the court is on Smith’s side, Douglas seems quite confident that God is on his, tweeting, “There’s a difference between the law of the world & the law of God. I’m so grateful that God remains the final judge.”  
Douglas continued his attack in the open letter, likening Smith to someone working with the devil. “I loved my ex-wife Tasha Smith deeply.  Through this experience, I know what it feels like to literally find my self sleeping with the enemy…but I do know that what the enemy intended for evil, God has turned into nothing but joy.”  Strong words from a man whose ex-wife feared he might try to kill her! 
Douglas consistently paints himself as the spiritual victim throughout his letter, saying “when you have the true light of God shining in your heart and spirit, the enemy has no choice but to flee!”  Douglas concludes by saying he will pray for his ex-wife, and that “wherever you are and what ever you are doing, you remember that sometimes God says you have to let go.”   
Douglas had his finally word on Twitter earlier today, tweeting “Moving on…God Bless!” Smith, meanwhile, is letting her fans do the talking. She has been retweeting supportive tweets all morning, but has not yet commented herself. 
Hopefully this is the end of it for these two. Watch the actress talk about her husband in happier times, below: is your No. 1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music. 

(Photo: Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images)

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