John Legend Explains His Reasoning Behind His Appearance In ‘Surviving R. Kelly’

Meanwhile, many are shaking their heads over Questlove's since-deleted comments.

It's no secret that this uprising against disgraced Chicago crooner R. Kelly is long overdue. #MuteRKelly has led to Surviving R. Kelly, a six-part docu-series on Lifetime, and this past Thursday (Jan. 3), the first two episodes aired. Many famed artists who've worked with Kelly— Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, Erykah Badu, Lil Kim— all declined offers to be a part of the documentary, and many fans are wondering why. 

However, fans are admiring the bravery of iconic R&B star John Legend coming forward, and even he stated that appearing in the series was an "easy decision."

  • "I don't give a f**k about protecting a serial child rapist," John proclaimed via Twitter

    The Get Lifted singer also thanked the show's executive producer, Dream Hampton, for her "necessary work" in ensuring this story was told properly because "these survivors deserved to be lifted up and heard."

  • Famed hip-hop legend Questlove was also among those who opted out of the docu-series, and in a series of since-deleted tweets, he had a brief heated exchange with Dream Hampton about his intended role.

  • In spite of supporting the doc, Questlove claimed he was only asked to speak on for his "genius," but Dream says that isn't the case at all.

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    Dream, later, admitted to deleting her tweets because [last night] was about the survivors and not this petty nonsense. The second part of Surviving R. Kelly airs tonight at 9 p.m.

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