Denzel Washington Film Crew Apologizes To South African Locals

Shooting for the film "Safe House" sparks fears for local residents in South Africa.

A fictitious scene in Denzel Washington’s upcoming new crime thriller sent real chills to a number of South African residents nearby.

The Academy Award-winning actor has been shooting the film, Safe House, in the Cape Town suburb of Langa.

During filming, a round of gunfire let off on set and sent residents into a subsequent panic. The area has been previously known for its high levels of gang violence.

Those working on the film had alerted those living in the immediate vicinity of where they were filming that the sound of weapons firing off would be heart. Those sounds traveled farther than expected, however.

As a result, producers Adam Merims and Genevieve Hofmyer to issue a statement apologizing "for any inconvenience or negative effect" caused by the scene.

Safe House is due in theaters next year.


Photo: Sean Gallup/Getty Images

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