Mom Knows Best: Cassie & Selita Share Passed Down Beauty Tips

The ladies have been groomed for beauty since birth!

Carol’s Daughter brand ambassadors Cassie and Selita Ebanks recently revealed that their moms have had the biggest influence on their beauty rituals. The lovelies spoke to People about the secrets they learned.


Ebanks touts her mom as the beauty version of MacGyver. “She told me to take off my makeup with oil and a warm rag and don’t rub too hard, just very gentle around the eyes.” Her mom also has a remedy for cellulite. “Before you go in the shower, dry brush from the ankles up and from your arms towards the heart and it helps stimulate the skin, which helps prevent cellulite and sagging skin.”


Cassie’s mom made sure her daughter was aware of the damaging effects the environment can have on your skin. She always made sure the model protected her face from the sun. “She’s got really youthful, beautiful skin,” Cassie remarks of her mother’s enviable glow. “She was really big [on] taking care of your skin.”

(Photo: Mr.Blue/

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