[Watch] Shocking Security Footage Captures Woman Shooting At a Rival Gang Member.

She was arrested just hours later.

Streets is high definition. Security cameras captured a dramatic shootout in a Detroit gas station, showing a young woman pull a gun from under her skirt and shoot a man, believed to be from a rival gang, in a car. 
The shooting occurred around 4:30 a.m. Sunday at a Mobil station and was captured by Project Green Light, a partnership between Detroit police and local gas stations that sends high-definition surveillance footage straight to police headquarters. Thanks to the initiative, cops got a clear picture of the shooter and were able to arrest her within hours. 
"Huge success, exactly what we had hoped for," Detroit Police Sgt. Michael Woody told local news. "We're going to see you, and we're going to see you clearly."
The names of neither the shooter nor the victim, a 27-year-old man, have been released, though police did confirm he was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. 

(Photo: Stefan Rupp/Westend61/Corbis)

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