Jennifer Hudson Honors Slain Nephew

Singer hosts an inaugural celebration for a foundation in nephew's name.

Jennifer Hudson is turning tragedy into triumph. Over the weekend, the singer honored her nephew Julian D. King, who was murdered along with Jennifer's brother and mother back in 2008, at an inaugural event for the Julian D. King foundation in Chicago, according to


Wearing shirts that read "Happy 10th Birthday, Julian," Jennifer was joined by her sister, Julia, and her son, Daniel Otunga Jr., at the De La Salle Institute to hand out back-to-school supplies for children. J-Hud was photographed with the children, and in front of a big photo of her nephew on his sixth birthday.


Since the tragedy, Hudson has spoken out about her loss in interviews with Oprah, saying "the only thing I can do is honor their memory and make them proud."


(Photo: Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images)

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