Frank Ocean Talks Style as GQ 's "Rookie of the Year"

Frank Ocean Talks Style as GQ 's "Rookie of the Year." The singer-songwriter shares a fashion tip from Kanye West.

(Photo: Courtesy GQ Magazine)

Frank Ocean has been chosen as GQ's "Rookie of the Year" in the magazine's latest Men of the Year portfolio after bursting into the R&B scene with his Nostalgia, Ultra mixtape earlier this year. In a video taken during the photo shoot, the 24-year-old singer-songwriter talked about his personal style, fitness hobbies and a fashion tip he received from Kanye West.
"If someone asked me to describe my personal, everyday, not-at-the-photo-shoot style, they'd probably say I was bland and boring," he says. "But some people call that timeless so I don't know."
For his fitness routine, Los Angeles-based Ocean takes kung fu and tai chi on Saturdays in Santa Monica, but refused to say exactly where "'cause somebody's going to show up."
While Jay-Z shared his musical advice that "less takes is sometimes more," Ocean remembers a fashion tip that the other half of the Watch the Throne duo suggested.
"The one non-musical thing that I've learned from working with Kanye is that you should always choose your sneakers wisely."
He also explained his well-known fondness for the color orange. "Why do I like orange so much? I think I'm just trying to remind people to get their vitamin C," Ocean explains. "Their supplements and s--t." always gives you the latest fashion and beauty trends, tips and news. We are committed to bringing you the best of Black lifestyle and celebrity culture.

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