It’s Time to Get 'On 1' With Angela Rye and Her Amazing New Podcast
Throughout the last year, we have watched Angela Rye pop up as commentator on CNN and as a guest on other news-related programs. The more she appeared on our screens the more we wanted to see and hear her truth. Well, Angela has come through with a brand new podcast called “On 1 With Angela Rye" and she talked to BET News about what we can expect.
Angela Rye went from unknown news figure to a household name during the Republican National Convention when she was captured doing the infamous eye roll. When Trump supporter and fellow CNN commentator Kayleigh McEnany spoke about the wonderful things then-candidate Trump will do for our country, Angela could not hold back and unleashed the eye roll seen round the world.
From that day forward we knew she was our girl, and she has risen to the occasion with grace and class.
When it comes to the “On 1” podcast — which launched July 12 — Angela told BET that we can expect it to be “sophisti-ratchet,” a combination of sophisticated discourse on politics and justice as well as some ratchet conversation on what’s going on in the culture.
“There will be segments to let people know what’s going on and what we should be paying attention to, at the same time, we talk about the Jay-Z album,” Angela told BET.
Angela’s first guest on the podcast was Congresswoman Maxine Waters, or “Queen Maxine” as Angela described her. During their conversation, the two discussed everything from inequality for Black women to Waters’s favorite rapper, Tupac.
Throughout the Trump presidency, both Angela and Rep. Waters have been vocal about their resistance, which has garnered its own resistance due to the fact that both of them are strong, Black women.
For Angela, being a Black woman at work is nothing new, yet she uses her background to help educate others.
“For a Black woman at work, we see things through particular lenses, through the lens of our experience,” Angela told BET.
Angela referenced several times she spoke on CNN and brought up race because it was relevant and the negative response some of her colleagues would have.
“People think if you bring up Black, you’re talking about racism, but oftentimes race just has to be part of the conversation,” she said.
Based on the first episode of the podcast and our conversation with Angela, she has no intention of slowing down when it comes to speaking the truth and making sure the American people know exactly what our current president is trying to do.
“Trump cares about undoing [Obama’s] legacy, even to the point where he now pays women on his staff 63 cents on the dollar to men, which directly undoes Obama's [Lilly Ledbetter] policy. Trump wants to undo progress so much,” Angela said of Trump’s policies.
Although Trump’s work seems scary and daunting to some, with the help of Angela Rye, we can unite against an administration that does not work for us.
“It’s up to us, the strategic resistance. Resist an agenda that is hurtful, harmful, and sometimes violent. We need to keep engaging to fight the administration,” Angela said.
“On 1 With Angela Rye" will come out weekly and can be listened to on the Apple podcast app, SoundCloud, TIDAL, and Spotify.