Too Cute! North West Made Her Runway Debut And She Slayed

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's little girl is adorable.

At only 5  years old, North West made her debut on a runway yesterday in  Palisades Park, California and it was adorable. Of course mommy Kim Kardashian was cheering her on.

Kim and North attended the L.O.L. Surprise Fashion Show, which is a popular toyline. Kim said in a statement, "North is completely obsessed with L.O.L. Surprise already, so when we found out there was going to be an L.O.L. Surprise BIGGER Surprise Fashion show, she absolutely had to be involved. She loves to dress up like her favorite characters, so it was so exciting for her to actually become a real-life L.O.L. doll." 
Look at North work the runway below!

So cute! In the words of RuPaul, "Chantay you stay!"
 (Photo by Gotham/GC Images)

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