Nick Cannon Responds To Wendy Williams After She Insults His Son

She referred to his youngest child as an “Oops” baby.

Nick Cannon recently visited the Wendy Williams Show while on the promo trail for his new game show, talk show and other business ventures.

While there, as many guests of the morning program are aware of, hostess Wendy Williams hurled gossip-themed questions at him regarding his personal life. However, one proved to strike a nerve with the famed entrepreneur as she dubbed his third child an "oops baby" during their interview.

During the exchange, the awkward moment arose when Cannon's child with his former girlfriend, 2010 Miss Universe Guam Brittany Bell, came into question.

"Now, you're spending your holidays sleigh-riding from one house to the next?" Williams asked, to which the Wild N' Out host responded, "I'm all over! I'm St. Nick, for real! Obviously, I have an extended family, and I'll be visiting many houses over the holidays..."

Williams then randomly interjected, "...and then the 'oops baby?'" insinuating that the child's conception was accidental and unintentional.

Visibly taken aback by her words, Cannon responded, "The disrespect! The 'oops baby?'... I love you!"

Continuing to expound on her heinous comment, Williams added, "No. Well, we've talked about this before, and you were only with the girl, then she was pregnant, and it just happened."

Take a look at the cinge-worthy interview, below:

Though the rest of the interview continued well, her sly remark seemed to bother Cannon as he took to social media later that day to acknowledge that his son was not an accident. In the caption for the post, he also checked Williams on her shady approach.

Take a look, below:

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