'Zatima' Brings New Challenges, Drama, and Deeper Friendships

Remington Hoffman, Guyviaud Joseph, and Cameron Fuller share what viewers can expect from the intense drama, grief, and growth that define this season.

Part of what makes "Zatima" so captivating is the colorful ensemble of characters that surround the main couple, Zac and Fatima. In Season 3, the show delves deeper into the lives of the friends in their orbit. caught up with Remington Hoffman (Bryce), Guyviaud Joseph (Tony), and Cameron Fuller (Nate) to discuss what viewers can expect this season. Let’s start with Remington, Bryce. Bryce got himself into some trouble, no, he got a lot of people into some financial trouble and he was already on the outs with Zac, and so now he’s trying to fix things with Zac and Angela too. What can we expect from Bryce's arc this season? 

Remington Hoffman: Yeah, Bryce is facing double, triple trouble. He's on the outs with Zac, he's now in major financial trouble with Zac and his company. He's on the outs with Angela, and what you're going to see Bryce going through this season is trying to rekindle and rebuild the trust in those relationships that he cares about. Cameron and Guyviaud, Nate and Tony. I know those are Zac’s boys, but they be hatin’ a little bit. They’re always into something, and it may seem like it’s for Zac’s best interest, but the outcome doesn’t always seem so. Is that a fair assessment? 

Guyviaud Joseph: I’d say that you’re right, they always have Zac’s best interests at heart. Now, people's perceptions are different and might make them say no, this is the best way to go or this is the best route, but at the end of the day, their intentions are well aimed. I think we start to see a divide between Tony and Nate as of season two. We start to see that because Tony is like, okay, Zac, if Fatima's who you want and if she's going to be good for you as a partner and help you grow, then that's the route you need to take. But I think we see towards the end of season two, Nate starts to realize and he apologizes to Fatima. So, I think that Nate has at least a little more understanding, but Tony is just like look, Zac, whatever you think is best. I'm just going to support you fully. 

Cameron Fuller: To piggyback off what he just said, your perception of someone changes your perspective of how you see that person. So, for Nate, when you meet him in season one, he’s like, you just got out of a relationship, what are you doing hopping back in a relationship? So, he’s just like, Zac doesn't know what's best for him. I know what’s best for him, this is my boy for a long time, me and Tony know what's best for him. An invisible character that’s still very heavy is grief. Zac is going through a unique loss. Losing a parent is a lot. And you know his relationship with his mom was never quite there. All of that is going to affect his relationship with everyone in his orbit. Can any of you speak to how that part of the story will unfold this season? 

RH: For Bryce, he's tiptoeing around Zac and his grief, and for Bryce, there will be things coming out, a little bit, about Bryce and his relationship with his father, his mother, his family, and how he understands that Zac has a convoluted relationship with his mother and with her passing, and he's trying to be sensitive to that, as well as trying to get back in the good graces of Zac, and create a bond with someone that he loves and cares about that He stepped over the line within the end of season one, and I think that all the characters are kind of dealing with that around Zac in some way. And that's what makes the season dynamic and exciting. 

CF: I think if I can speak for Nathan, Tony, and Connie, they’ll be grieving as well. They know Ms. Gladys. This is someone they watched growing up. They know this woman, so I think they're trying to process it as well, on top of being there for Zac. They’ve lost someone they know, even though she wasn't always around. She had her different vices and things she dealt with, but she is still a person that they came to love, respect, and know. Finally, people will interpret characters and storylines how they want, but what do you hope viewers will take away from this season? 

GJ:  I think there are many different issues that we see, such as having conversations that are difficult to have with loved ones, and I think that’s important. I think, looking at Bryce's issue, that he's dealing with losing a friend’s trust and trying to gain that trust back. That’s a real-world issue that people deal with, and I think it's important for us to see how people can truly come together.

RH: Bryce is part of this community, and he comes from the outside of this cultural difference. And I think that he's trying to navigate his way through understanding himself, accepting himself, being part of this group that he wants to be a part of. I think everyone can kind of relate to that in some way, and I'd say that the through line for the season that I saw, at least with Bryce, is definitely forgiveness, and also forgiveness with Zac, and his relationship with his mother. I think that plays a big part in the season, and I think that's something we can all learn from. Hopefully, life will imitate art, and art will imitate life in that way. 

CF: The biggest through line is how people come together to overcome obstacles and situations. I think this season, for the first time in our show’s brief history, the group is handling more external conflicts than internal conflicts. It’s not as much fighting amongst each other as it is fighting against forces out of our control and how to stay together and band together to fight off those forces. I think that’s a big thing. Our fans have been tired of the infighting and us trying to sabotage each other.

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