Erykah Badu Blasts The Flaming Lips Over Shock Video

Erykah Badu sounds off on the group’s front man, Wayne Coyne, for NSFW video that features unauthorized images of her.

Erykah Badu is no stranger to using her body for artistic purposes; however the Grammy Award-winning songstress is certainly no fan of having her curvaceous figure exploited for a “tasteless meaningless, shock motivated video.”


Badu is furious over the recently released music video, “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face,” by rock band The Flaming Lips in which she makes a cameo appearance. Though she agreed to lend her talents to the video, given that she’s the featured vocalist on the song, Badu says she did not authorize the nude and bizarre sexually suggestive imagery of her and her sister Nayrok.


The "Bag Lady" singer took to her Facebook page on Wednesday [June 6] to blast the group’s front man Wayne Coyne, who directed the video that has since been taken down.


“As a human I am disgusted with your what appears to be desperation and poor execution and disregard for others," Badu wrote. "As a director I am unimpressed. As a sociologist I understand your type. As your fellow artist I am uninspired. As a woman I feel violated and underestimated…you can KISS My Glittery A--. O and Nayrok told me to tell u to kiss her a-- too.”


Badu explained that while she agreed to record segments of the video nude in a bathtub of water, she was assured that her parts would be tastefully edited. While she declined to participate in fully nude scenes in which she’d be covered in glitter and a blood like substance, Badu’s sister Nayrok agreed to be her stand in under the belief they would have the opportunity to see an edited version before release. Unfortunately, an unedited version of the clip was released and sparked some backlash from fans.


“You showed me a concept of beautiful tasteful imagery (by way of vid text messages). I trusted that. I was mistaken,” Badu wrote. “Then u release an unedited, unapproved version within the next few days. That all spells 1 thing. Self Serving.”


The rock band has yet to respond to Badu’s message. is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.


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(Photos from left: REUTERS/Samsul Said /LANDOV, CSM /Landov)

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