T.I. Refuses to Accept Trump's Election, Has a New Strategy to Get Him Out
T.I. hasn't been silent throughout the entire 2016 election. The rapper has consistently been a beacon of light for those looking up to his mentorship and intelligent insight regarding our nation's current political and cultural climate. On top of that, he also knows when to crack a little joke about Donald Trump.
From coming hard at Lil Wayne and Floyd Mayweather alike for their comments denouncing the Black Lives Matter movement to weaving socially conscious lyrics into his music, T.I. has been taking his influential platform as an artist to heart. Naturally, when Trump won the election, the rapper continued his activism and has recently been promoting a new protest approach on his social media channels.
T.I., like millions of Americans, refuses to accept that the Republican candidate actually won.
Today (November 11), the rapper took to his Instagram to share a change.org petition that focuses on challenging the Electoral College, which is responsible for Trump becoming the president despite Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote.
"Oh it ain't over!!!!" the rapper wrote on his repost on Instagram. "We still got smoke...."
He then shared the link to the petition, saying, "And all those of u who don't like it get off my page...."
Needless to say, he isn't playing around. The rapper also recently apologized to the Obama family for what is currently happening in America and offered a passionate, lengthy reaction to the election results.
Take a look at T.I.'s strategy towards reversing the outcome of the election in the post below.