Key Glock Talks Hip-Hop 50, New Album And Whether Money Or Fame Is More Important

The Memphis rapper just released his latest project ‘Glockoma 2.’

Key Glock is one of Memphis’ finest and has been carrying the torch of his cousin Young Dolph ever since he was murdered in their hometown in November 2021.

Since then, Glizock has been on a tear, releasing projects like PRE5L and preparing to release the sequel to his 2018 classic mixtape Glockoma.

Now, hot off the release of his latest album, Key Glock spoke with BET Talks about the 50th anniversary of hip-hop, his new project, his success over the past few years, and so much more.

#DolphDay: Young Dolph’s Life Celebrated With Day Of Service, New Key Glock EP On One-Year Anniversary Of Rapper’s Passing

#DolphDay: Young Dolph’s Life Celebrated With Day Of Service, New Key Glock EP On One-Year Anniversary Of Rapper’s Passing

BET: So we are celebrating 50 years of hip-hop, which is a major accomplishment. But I want to know, do you actually remember the first time you heard a rap song? Can you think back?

Key Glock: As far as I can remember, [I was] probably six years old…

BET: Do you know who it was?

Key Glock: Project Pat.

BET: Okay, you had to think about it… Was that the moment that you were like, Yeah, this is what I want to do for a living at six years old?

Key Glock: It hit my senior year of high school.

BET: From there to now – how did you make this transition? People are dying to be in your position, how did you get here?

Key Glock: Really, it was the people around me. It was my environment. It was the feedback I was getting…

BET: What was the moment you realized I'm good, I got this?

Key Glock: Probably when I recorded my first song. I wouldn’t have recorded it if I didn’t think I was good.

BET: The first song already you were like I'm about to…

Key Glock: I’m just super confident in myself I guess.

BET: How do you stay confident because now with social media, everyone’s commenting how they feel about you. There's no secrets like how do you keep your confidence?

Key Glock: Yeah, I'm so laid back and I be in my own lane and own world like I don’t see nothing, no bad.

BET: So I have to ask the question that always leads to a debate and I don't see why. Who is your personal Top 5 rappers? It doesn't have to be the greatest of all time. You just love these five…

Key Glock: [Young] Dolph, [Key] Glock, Glizock, Doe B, Lil Wayne.

BET: Alright. I respect that list. Do you have a certain song or album of yours that you're super proud of?

Key Glock: All of them.

BET: All of them? So that confidence is up there. All of them are your favorite, you're proud of them all?

Key Glock: I don’t even got no favorite.

BET: So I know you have a new album. It's already out. What was your mindset going into this album? Did you have a vision for it?

Key Glock: Yeah I’ve got a vision for everything I do and I just execute it but with this one it really almost didn't happen because I wasn’t in the mood for it right now. I'm never going to force nothing that don’t fit.

BET: What advice would you give to someone who's trying to come up right now? It's so hard. It's so competitive.

Key Glock: Don't worry about the next person. Don't look at what the next person doing, trying to compare it with what you got going on. Just be you and go for your gut.

BET: So you're calm, cool and collected, but have you ever had an embarrassing moment performing in the studio, maybe forgot your lyrics?

Key Glock: I ain’t no goofball like that.

BET: But that’s human!

Key Glock: It is, but it ain’t Glock.

BET: You've made such good collabs with people. Is there someone that you're hoping to collab with soon?

Key Glock: Not right now. It just ain’t what I’m focused on. I don’t even care about it really. I’m doing a great job in what I’m doing right now.

BET: Is there something about fame and success and money that’s surprised you?

Key Glock: You really just gotta focus on the money, everything else like [is] like you said, fame’s just going to come with it. You can't chase the fame and think money don’t come with it.

BET: So in the next 10 years where are you hoping to be in your career?

Key Glock: I don’t know, be somewhere with a billion in my account. I don’t know.

BET: Would you try to like branch out, get into fashion, get into acting, anything like that?

Key Glock: Yeah, why not?

BET: So as I was saying, We're celebrating 50 years of hip-hop. There's been such major accomplishments in the last 50 years, but what are you hoping for in the next 50 years, because you're gonna be a part of that?

Key Glock: More unity. That’s the only thing I can think of off top.

BET: What’s the first step in that?

Key Glock: I don’t know. I’m speaking for everybody else, I ain’t speaking for me.

BET: So like I was saying, I was talking to you before and you said you haven't really gotten to celebrate any of the BET events or anything like that because you're in the studio. So can I ask what you're working on, or is it secret?

Key Glock: It is. It’s a secret.

BET: Not it’s not. I shouldn’t have said it’s a secret [laughs]...

Key Glock: You shouldn’t have, but it’s a secret.

BET: Is there a timeline for when we should be seeing this?

Key Glock: Mmm. Three months. 90 days.

BET: 90 days I’m gonna check back and I better see something going on [laughs].

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