13 Hilarious Reactions To The Shocking Death On Last Night's 'Power'

This was a hard pill to swallow for many.

The latest episode of Power sparked arguably the most spirited reaction from fans this season with the shocking events that took place in the final few minutes.

Taking to Twitter to vent about the what happened, the dark drama's die-hards didn't spare their anger and unapologetic opinions about the loss of one of the series' most beloved characters.


The episode was one for the books, delivering the drama that is to be expected from the caliber of action the series brings. However, just when viewers thought they were in for another cliff-hanging surprise at the end, young Raina was fatally shot by one of her father's enemies while standing up for her ungrateful brother.

The sad moment brought some viewers to tears as the character seemed to be the most level-headed and drama-free piece in the Power puzzle.

See how social media reacted to the teenager's chilling death, below:

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