O.T. Genasis Celebrates His Birthday With 'Do It'

His new single features Lil Wayne.

O.T. Genasis is shooting for a crossover hit with his latest song released on his birthday.

The Conglomerate signee is steering away from his street-oriented records like “Ricky” and “CoCo” for something a bit more summery. “Do It” starts off slow, but picks up the pace with O.T. rapping/singing about a certain stripper that matches other melodic songs like “Try Me” and “Tuesday.” Lil Wayne, who rapped on “CoCo” off his Sorry 4 the Wait 2 mixtape, adds his own verse that doesn’t disappoint. Is a more positive O.T. a good look for him?

Listen to the track over at HipHop-N-More. is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.

(Photo: Conglomerate Records)

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