Noah's New Arc
For those of you who have been anxiously awaiting the release of "Noah's Arc: Jumping the Broom," your prayers have been answered--depending where you live. The film, based on the cult hit TV series about four out and proud gay friends in L.A., hits theaters on Friday in limited released and WTF talked to a pair of its stars--Darryl Stephens (Noah) and Rodney Chester (Alex) about reuniting with Christian Vincent (Ricky), Douglas Spearman (Chase), Jonathan Julian (Eddie) and Jensen Atwood who plays Noah's lover Wade.\r
We actually hadn't worked together for almost a year when we shot that film," Stephens said. "The second season had been shot a year and a half almost two years prior. We'd seen a little bit of each other but not had worked together a good minute. To be honest I wasn't even sure that all the chemistry would still be there because that was definitely our longest time apart. But as soon as we all got to the airport, we were clicking right away. It was like no time had passed. It was amazing."\r
Chester concurred.\r
It was immediate," he said. "We had established that connection working together for so long that when we got back together it was just like clockwork."\r
The film, which was shot in Vancouver, features all the original cast members, plus Jason Steed (Baby Gat), Jennia Fredrique (Brandy), Gregory Keith (Trey), Tonya Pinkins (as Wade's mother) and Gary LeRoi Gray who fans of "The Cosby Show" might remember as little Nelson, the son of Sondra and Elvin. Gray plays Ricky's new piece. The gang reunite at Wade's family's home in Martha's Vineyard for the wedding of Wade and Noah. Even though Alex, in his role as wedding planner, tries to make everything run smoothly, there is drama!\r
And once again, as it was in the TV series that ran for two seasons on Logo, Chester provided much of the comic relief. Alex comes to the wedding without Trey and the African son they adopted, but he's packed plenty of attitude.\r\r
The reason why Alex is so wonderful is that everyone likes to laugh," Chester said. "Also, Alex is kind of known as the mama of the group. When people veer off he will bring them back to reality or bring them back to where they need to be. He's comical but still has that point of reason."\r
Many fans were upset when the show ended so abruptly, particularly because Wade's life was in peril during the season 2 cliffhanger. At the time of its cancellation the show had a strong cult following but Stephens was hesitant to call it a success.\r
To me it's still not really a hit," Stephens said. "It's on Logo, a little network and now it's on BETJ, which has brought it to a whole new audience and that's exciting. People who know it, know it and love it but to me it's still very underground. The most surprising element to me is all the straight black women who love the show. There are women who are in love with Noah."\r
Chester, however, was disappointed when the show got axed because he felt it "brought so much joy to so many people.\r
It had some meaning," he added. "People felt like they saw themselves on TV in a positive light. It wasn't all sex, drugs and clubs. It's unfortunate that this is it. It's sad, really."