Dr. Phil Will Sit Down With Casey Anthony’s Parents

Dr. Phil lands exclusive interview with Casey Anthony's parents.

With “The Oprah Winfrey Show” retired, it was only a matter of time before viewers learned who would be the heir to the hard-hitting, exclusive interviews that Winfrey was known for.


According to Reuters, the parents of the acquitted 25-year-old, known as “America’s most hated woman,” are giving Dr. Phil their first interview. In the talk, which airs September 12, the TV host says, "I looked them straight in the eye and asked them some very tough questions."


During the trial, in which Anthony was accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, the defense claimed that Casey’s father George molested her as a young girl and her mother said she was the one who researched chloroform, and not her daughter.


In a statement, the father says, “We appreciate the way in which Dr. Phil has helped others, and we trust him enough to completely open our hearts in telling our story.” Surely, the jury thought they got the story, too.

(Photo: Michael Kovac/FilmMagic)

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