Mansur Ball-Bey Is the Latest Police Shooting Victim to Be Shot in the Back
An autopsy report shows that Mansur Ball-Bey was shot in the back when he was killed by an officer earlier this week in St. Louis.
St. Louis County police chief Sam Dotson said that the location of the wound does not disprove the officers' accounts that Ball-Bey pointed a gun at them first, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.
"Just because he was shot in the back doesn't mean he was running away," Dotson said. "It could be, and I'm not saying that it doesn't mean that. I just don't know yet.
"What I do know is that two officers were involved and fired shots, but I don't know exactly where they were standing yet and I won't know until I get their statements."
Ball-Bey was shot and killed on Wednesday after officers raided a home in north St. Louis. He was 18. His family refutes the officers' stories and says that Ball-Bey had just graduated high school and was heading to college. He held a steady job and didn't have a criminal record.
"It was a bad loss, but he was a good son. All these people loved him. He wasn’t the type to run the streets or be disrespectful to the family," Dennis Ball-Bey told the Daily News.
Shortly after the shooting, dozens of people arrived to the scene to protest the officers' use of deadly force.
The shooting is the latest incident out of the St. Louis area a year after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. Tyrone Harris Jr. was shot in Ferguson exactly one year after Brown's death.
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(Photo: Dre Ungawaa via Twitter)