Thandie Newton Reveals Scandalous Teenage Affair

The actress was 16 when she had a relationship with a director 23 years her senior

Thandie Newton opened about a a six-year affair with director John Duigan that began when she was 16 and travelling to Australia to audition for his film Flirting, which stared Nicole Kidman.


It wasn't exactly a teenage love affair. The actress told InStyle magazine that Duigan took advantage of her when she was vulnerable. “I was a very shy, very sweet girl. I wasn’t in control of the situation,” she said. “Would I have liked things to be different? Sure. But I can now value myself more for the way I got through it. I don’t see myself as a victim.”


The Bafta-award winner said she’s speaking up about the relationship “so that teenagers can see they can resist and gain self-awareness.”


(Photo: Dave Hogan/Getty Images)

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