Court Records: Proud Boys Leader Went Undercover To Help FBI After 2013 Arrest

Henry “Enrique” Tarrio helped prosecute 13 people in two separate indictments.

Court transcripts reveal that Proud Boys leader Henry “Enrique” Tarrio began working with the FBI after he was arrested on federal fraud charges related to a scheme to sell stolen diabetic test strips well below market value.

During a 2014 court hearing, a prosecutor argued for a reduced sentence for the 36-year-old, telling the judge Tarrio "was the one who wanted to talk to law enforcement, wanted to clear his name, wanted to straighten this out so that he could move on with his life."

According to NBC 6, a former federal prosecutor in Tarrio's case confirmed he aided local and federal law enforcement in the prosecution of crimes ranging from running marijuana grow houses in Miami to heading pharmaceutical fraud schemes.

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Tarrio also worked in a covert capacity in a case involving information pertaining to an illegal immigrant smuggling ring.

According to the transcripts, Tarrio helped federal law enforcement prosecute 13 people in two separate indictments, the prosecutor argued. Subsequently, his sentence was reduced from 30 months in prison to 16 months.

Tarrio denied to Reuters he worked with police, telling the outlet, "I don’t know any of this. I don’t recall any of this."

Tarrio was arrested on January 4, two days before the Capitol Siege, on weapons charges and ordered to stay out of Washington. He is accused of vandalizing a Black Lives Matter banner at a historic Black church last month.

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