Man Shot at Morgan State University

Baltimore’s Morgan State University was put on alert Wednesday evening after a man was shot in the campus’ student center.

Baltimore’s Morgan State University was put on alert Wednesday evening after a man was shot in the campus’ student center.

Classes resumed Thursday morning as a search for the shooter continued, but a university spokesman confirmed that neither the shooter nor the victim were students of the university. 

"We believe this young man knew his assailant," university spokesman Clint Coleman told the Baltimore Sun. "A verbal exchange was heard just before the shooting. We believe this young man was targeted."

Reports say that the victim was shot in the stomach and was in critical but stable condition late Wednesday.

Although an emergency alert system immediately alerted students and faculty about the lock-down, advising those on campus to lock doors and windows, some students expressed concern that the campus is too open to outsiders.  

"You're never certain who goes here, or who doesn't go here," Darius Brock, a freshman civil engineering student told the paper. "Anyone can walk into the Morgan bookstore, buy a Morgan hoodie and be on Morgan's campus."

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