Lindsay Lohan to Chris Brown: "Wanna Meet?"

This can only end in disaster...or rehab.

Somebody needs to take the battery out of Lindsay Lohan's Blackberry. The one-time star pulled a desperate move (even for her) by propositioning Chris Brown via Twitter during the VMAs. It started innocently enough when LiLo complimented Brown on his performance ("@ChrisBrown killed it"), and Breezy retweeted her Tweet.
Apparently for Lindsay, retweeting is the same as sending a love letter, because she followed up with a bold move: "@ChrisBrown wanna meet?"
Thankfully Brown, who is currently dating model Karrueche Tran, didn't respond (at least, we hope he didn't). As for LiLo, the desperate-for-fame actress seems one step away from creating a profile on Ashley Madison. It's called self respect, girl. Look into it.

(Photo: L.Martinez/

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