Jada Pinkett-Smith Shows Off Bikini Body for Shape Magazine
(Photo: Shape Magazine, Jan/Feb 2015)
Jada Pinkett-Smith is giving all of us something to pin onto our vision boards with her latest cover for Shape magazine. The fit 43-year-old is gracing the February issue in a teeny bikini with some of the flattest abs we’ve ever seen. Inside, the small-statured actress talks about staying in top form for herself and husband Will Smith and how she’s learned to listen to her body as she’s grown older.
“My energy levels just aren’t the same,” Pinkett-Smith said. “My joints, my knees, the amount of weight that I can push versus what I did in my twenties, how long I’m willing to work out. For example, I’m not staying at the gym for two hours anymore. I hit it and quit it…I’m not going to stress my body that way anymore. I can’t.”
That’s not to say that she’ll ever quit the gym for good. Pinkest-Smith said that while working out is wonderful for maintaining her sexy physique, a treat to her husband for sure, she also likes going to the gym because it helps her mental health.
“When my husband of almost 20 years can’t take his eyes off me? That’s amazing. But the number one reason I go to the gym is because it keeps me sane,” she said. “It gives me a place to exert energy, frustration, sadness, happiness, and joy. I don’t go to the gym just to look good. I go because it also keeps my head straight.”
In addition to turning her husband on physically, Pinkett-Smith reveals that in her relationship mental stimulation is just as important as sex.
“Will and I were just reading The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra together and having long discussions about it. It’s a big turn-on for me in a relationship to be spiritually and intellectually challenged by Will. To me, it’s like foreplay! Of course, I enjoy that I have sex in my relationship, but I think this other intellectual aspect is quite unique and something that strongly connects us.”
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