Look: Twitter Destroys Kylie Jenner for Twerking in a Lace Front

On her birthday, too.

Today is Kylie Jenner's 19th birthday, and in true Kardashian/Jenner fashion, she let the world know today is "her day" by making a pretty bold statement on social media. Only, this time, Twitter users are ripping her to shreds for cultural appropriation.

The socialite posted this photo to Instagram this morning and the rest is a blur:

The birthday girl's red cornrows have rubbed some of her followers the wrong way — particularly her African-American followers. Take a look at what some of them had to say in response to her new 'do below:

With that said, happy birthday, Kylie.

Get the backstory on Kylie's sister Kim's recent beef with Taylor Swift with BET Breaks above.

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