South Africa Implements Quotas to Increase Black Players in Sports Teams

Sporting authorities in South Africa are reintroducing racial quotas for their domestic professional teams in order to encourage more Black players to join the ranks.

South African sporting officials are re-implementing quotas for their domestic professional teams in order to encourage more Black Africans to rise through the ranks of the nation's predominately white rugby and cricket teams.

Six of the country's cricket teams are now required to have at least one Black player in its starting line-up. Teams that manage to get more than one will receive a cash bonus, according to iol sport. This is to rectify the current situation in which only five Black Africans have played for national cricket teams since 1991.
iol sport reports:
“Black African players need to get quality and meaningful opportunities and, therefore, the incentive-based transformation policy was introduced,” Corrie van Zyl, general manager of Cricket South Africa (CSA), told AFP.

But the restoration of a quota system, two decades into democracy, is seen by observers as a sign of failure by both sporting administrators and government to develop sport among previously disadvantaged racial groups.

The problem, according to Frans Cronje of the South African Institute of Race Relations is that “we are not investing in young people.”

Read full story here.

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(Photo: Bob Thomas/Getty Images)

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