Mo’Nique Comes Bearing Receipts For Critics Who Said She Was Lying About Her Netflix Deal

The proof is in the pudding.

Social media and Hollywood alike have been divided since comedian Mo’Nique came forward asking supporters to boycott Netflix after offering her $500,000 for a standup special.While actors like Jada Pinkett Smith have come out in support of Mo’Nique’s plight others have disputed the comic’s claims.

Shutting down the rumors, Mo’Nique posted an email showcasing the entire deal Netflix allegedly offered her. Aside from them offering a $500,000 for her talent fee, the online streaming service would be providing $310,000 production budget.

Some of the most shocking details from the email detailed Netflix’s stipulation to limit the time frame Mo’Nique would be able to get back to comedy after her special. If she’d agreed to the special, Mo’Nique be prohibited from taping or negotiating with third parties for a year, and she’d be unable to use perform or use any of the material used in the show for 2-years after the special’s premiere.

Take a peek at Mo’Nique’s Netflix deal below:

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