Yikes! See Why The Internet Is Still Pissed About The New Natural Hair Emojis

"Sis got a whole mullet—deep down we knew this was coming!"

Back in December, BET reported that after years of waiting—we finally got what we wanted: a natural hair emoji

Initially, everyone was rejoicing over this #BlackGirlMagic blessing, but now that the full roster is available (a list that includes cupcakes, microbes, abacuses, firecrackers and 12 redheaded characters according to Elle)—upon further inspection even we had to admit, the natural hair one feels, well, a bit lackluster. *shrugs*

Of course, Black Twitter isn't one to hold back, and quickly sprung into action. Comments poured in ranging from "my hair does not look like that" to “Wow. 600 years of asking for an Afro emoji and this is the nonsense we get.

Yikes, these Black Queens weren't here for it!

Turns out, emojipedia ultimately added redheaded emojis after a year-long petition on entitled "Redheads should have emoji too," sponsored by the website Ginger Parrot that caters to "redheads and ginger lovers" alike. 

We had to ask, did we get the short end of the stick? Jessica Latten, founder of Natural Hair (a popular Facebook Group that addresses the societal pressures around natural hair care) weighed in exclusively for BET Style

"Whenever the natural hair movement is given a public platform, like the new natural hair emojis, it’s an accomplishment for the natural hair community. However, there is still an opportunity for more natural hairstyles to be represented," she explains.

"Natural hair is beautiful, versatile and it deserves to be celebrated. For the time being, seeing ourselves represented in natural hair emojis is a step forward. Just because only a few have come out, doesn’t mean there won’t be more in the future. I’m just happy for the step forward."

Here's to hoping the natural hair community rallies together to bring a revision (like the one above from Saint Curl) to light sooner than later. In the meantime, see the other 150+ emojis that will debut soon!

What do you think—is everyone justified for their outrage or overreacting? Sound off in the comments. 

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