Videos Of This Father Teaching His Young Son And Daughter How To Use High Caliber Guns Sparks Intense Reactions
A Florida father of four who is home schooling his children has started an intense debate surrounding his curriculum. In addition to teaching his kids about topics he finds relevant to society, he also teaches them how to use guns, including AK-47s and Uzis.
In an interview with the Daily Mail, Derrick Grace II from Tampa said he has never been a fan of the traditional school system.
"I'm not a huge fan of the school system state-wide, or on a national level. I think they do a whole lot to dilute the mental progression of our children. So ... we take it into our hands," Derrick told the
When asked why his schooling includes weapons, he said gun violence can take place anywhere, so why not be informed on how to protect yourself.
"I'm a firm believer that if you have guns in your house, an educated mind is far greater than a wondering mind."
Derrick also opened up about his past as a troubled youth
"I was a terrible child," he told the Daily Mail. "At Christmas time we would cut Christmas lights just for the hell of it, to ruin people's holiday. I know I broke into at least 20 cars as a child… we would just go in these guy's houses and sit there and just go through their stuff."
However, Derrick says he is now working to mentor the youth, including his children
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In addition to teaching his children at home, Derrick has spoken at numerous schools and juvenile corrections facilities throughout Tampa and tours the country with Derrick III, Derrica, as well as his two one-year-old daughters, teaching his curriculum.
Derrick posted videos of his teaching curriculum, the "Foundation" to his social media pages
Derrick's children, including his daughter Derrica, 6, and his son, Derrick III, learn how to use their father's weapon collection, which includes a Glock 30 and an AK-47. Although the children usually practice with empty magazines, they have been to the gun range as a family.
Derrick's videos have incited much debate on whether his methods are safe for his children
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In response to the criticism, Derrick told people to "wisen up"